In the Layers panel where is the settings icon
In the Layers panel where is the settings icon

Here's the logic: The seekbar controls the content on the layer if you mark Hide objects on base layer, Prevent the user from clicking on the base layer, or Pause timeline of base layer.

  • Select Automatically decide to let Storyline decide whether or not the seekbar is synchronized with content on the layer.
  • It'll still be visible it just won't affect the content on the layer.

    in the Layers panel where is the settings icon

    For example, if the layer has a video, learners can use the seekbar to rewind and fast forward the video.

  • Select Yes to synchronize content on the layer with the seekbar.
  • If the base layer has a seekbar, use this option to control how the seekbar affects the current slide layer. This hides the current layer when it has finished playing. (If you only want to hide some base layer objects, visit the next section on Hiding Individual Base Layer Objects.) This hides everything on the slide's base layer when the current layer is visible to the learner. This hides all other layers (except the base layer) when the current layer is visible to the learner. When the Slide Layer Properties window appears, make your choices (defined below) and click Close. Just select the layers you want to edit, then click the gear icon. You can customize the properties for each layer on a slide.
  • Double-click the layer's name in the Slide Layers panel to open it for editing.
  • It's always a good idea to give layers recognizable names, so they're easy to identify when you're creating triggers.
  • Go to the slide where you want the same layers to appear, then press Ctrl+V on your keyboard or right-click and choose Paste.
  • Select one or more layers in the Slide Layers panel, then press Ctrl+C on your keyboard or right-click and choose Copy.
  • To copy layers from one slide to another: To duplicate existing layers on the same slide, just select one or more layers in the Slide Layers panel and click the Duplicate Selected Layer icon (looks like two pieces of paper with a green arrow). You can duplicate layers on the same slide or even copy them from one slide to another. You also manage the timing and duration of layer objects in the same manner as slide objects-via the timeline.

    in the Layers panel where is the settings icon in the Layers panel where is the settings icon

    You add content to layers just like slides, including animations and transitions. Go to the Insert tab on the ribbon and click Slide Layer.Click the New Layer icon (looks like a blank piece of paper) in the Slide Layers panel.To add a layer to a slide, do either of the following: You can add as many layers to each slide as you like. Showing, Hiding, and Dimming Layers in the Editor.

    in the Layers panel where is the settings icon

    Just use triggers to define when layers should appear and disappear. Layers can display additional content on a slide at certain points on the timeline or in response to learners' actions. Use slide layers to create interactions and branched scenarios in your Storyline 360 courses.

    In the Layers panel where is the settings icon